Magnoliyan Video Chat (mgVideoChat) is full featured
video communication system with integrated text chat, available directly
within your web browser. You can consider it as online web based Skype, but without the requirement to install any additional software, plugin nor flash.
There is unlimited number of use cases: online live video chat support, private rooms, community chat rooms…
Unlike some other systems, Magnoliyan Video Chat includes full featured server side “signaling” engine: you can see who is online, click to call, click to end call, send text messages. You can even mark certain users as operators who are able to receive calls, while all others can just make calls – perfect for tech support.
In order to disallow anonymous users, there is special plugin system for authorization of visitors. You can easily customize it with your own web app login mechanism. Still, Magnoliyan Video Chat comes with built in support for facebook login and wordpress accounts. It’s even possible to use different authorization system per chat room.
There is unlimited number of use cases: online live video chat support, private rooms, community chat rooms…
Unlike some other systems, Magnoliyan Video Chat includes full featured server side “signaling” engine: you can see who is online, click to call, click to end call, send text messages. You can even mark certain users as operators who are able to receive calls, while all others can just make calls – perfect for tech support.
In order to disallow anonymous users, there is special plugin system for authorization of visitors. You can easily customize it with your own web app login mechanism. Still, Magnoliyan Video Chat comes with built in support for facebook login and wordpress accounts. It’s even possible to use different authorization system per chat room.
- Pure HTML 5 RTC video chat system
- PHP server side signaling system included
- No additional software nor accounts needed
- No DB needed
- Mobile friendly responsive interface
- Facebook authorization support
- Wordpress authorization suppor
- Extendable authorization system
- Created with Bootstrap 3
- Ability to define chat rooms
- Ability to define callable operators